Tuesday, September 15, 2009

cows and cancer

In a conversation I had a while back I learned from a trusted friend that red meat gives you cancer. I beleive this information was derived from resources and scientific fact given by MIT [don't quote me]. Apparently, the intake of 1/4 pound of processed red meat a day over the course of human life was proven in this testing to have heavily increased chances of cancer.  First of all my disbeleif in cancer in the idea that cancer is a legitimate concern to humans means that I really didn't pay attention to the hard facts given to me at the time.  Secondly it sounded like an overall boring concept that someone had literally sat and studied people over the course of their lives just to derive this silly piece of non information.  So as this seemingly knowledgable person was rambling on, I had moved to more pressing details, such as how much bubble wrap you would need to surround yourself in to successfully throw yourself off Mt. Rushmore without turning into corn syruppy goo at the bottom.

The point of this pressing matter is that supposedly, and according to a guy that seemingly knows stuff, any person that takes in the United States health departments idealistics portion of meat per day [assuming that meat to be red] over an ungiven amount of time, has a higher chance of getting cancer. With these shockingly specific time frames and percentages, why would anyone in their right mind continue to eat red meat? The answer is quite simple and plain. Red meat is good.

Overall I find this absurd news to be something that I would find on some PETA blog about how meat in general is bad for your health because of its high concentration in protein and 'icky' texture when raw, along with this ever increasing fad of witch-hunting anything and everything that has a slight possibility of causing these maligned deformed growths within the human body that we so lovingly call cancerous tumors.

I write this off as a possibilty of truth, saying that if your real creeped by the idea of losing that battle with cancer you should probably just stay away from any and all meats for a while, since I honestly can't tell you what the difference between 'red' meats and 'other' colored meats is, nor do I know how many possible colors of meat exist or if their are color combinations of meat. Your best bet is to go vegetarian or even better vegan. 

While you do that I will be munching full force on steak and burgers.

Blog about it.